This doesn't really have anything to do with my art or my studio, other than it kept me from working on either of those today. The 'Grey Goose' finally got a bit of love today.

This week I got stopped on the six block drive to Concordia. A 'fix-it-ticket' and $40 tail light later I'm street legal again (well, more street legal than before . . .). I spent some time getting my brake lights working as well (the officer didn't notice that).

The Goose has been leaking gas since early fall. I tried just using the 2
nd tank, but it leaked worse than the first. It really wasn't an issue until I decided to start parking in the garage, then the gas smell was a bit much. I picked up the new tank this morning and had it in and running by 2:00 this afternoon.

There is something quite satisfying about spending morning under a pickup getting greasy.
This is awesome, I am always impressed at how you tackle a project without inhabitions.