Viewing these dots as little paintings within a larger painting.

Attempting to commit myself to solving a composition without rearranging the panels . . . we'll see how long that lasts. Lately there seems to be some desire to "get it right" when I am in the studio. Perhaps doing something to these images that I think is not beautiful, something that I don't like will provide me with more of a visual problem to solve, thus making them more dynamic. The image above is evidence of this new effort.
The pink panel is a new attempt at this arrangement. The facial values need to be lightened, but what else should I do? Disregard and disrespect any notion of preserving this image, abandon my sense of keeping it precious? I know that will make these images better, but finding the guts to do it has been a long long process.
One sobering thought that occurred when looking at the Sower article - has my work even moved forward since that 2002 show? It would be logical to think that in some way, yes, it has evolved, but the correlations are very strong to those works on paper from "Drawing Out". Good or bad, not sure, but what I do know is that there is something missing from these new works, some reservation that holds them back from being what it is that I want them to be.
Wow you've been busy. Dolak you are a mANIMAL! I really like that new piece with the lamp and the dots. I dig intimate details in larger works.
ReplyDeleteAs far as your take on the Sower Article, I believe that it really speaks to your level of maturity and development at that point. It is rare to see that gage of conceptual development in undergrads that we have at the moment (that said, I am also not working closely with those advanced studio students). . . but I would say I have seen your work mature over the past few years in many ways.
And even though some subject matter, imagery and/or methods of exploration have remained . . . it does not seem at all stagnant or rehashing things. I see obvious progression and advancement. . . . so, keep rockin' it.
Thanks for your thoughts, they mean a lot.
ReplyDeleteI worked the lamp image pretty hard last night, I'll post some new pics soon.