Monday, February 23, 2015


A 3'x1' block depicting a family dinner. Getting close to completing the block.

Took a quick look at printing some of the smaller blocks on one of the panel paintings. Interestingly enough burnishing trough the back of the block seems to provide enough pressure to transfer the ink. Next up will be an attempt at printing the large block of Jacob and Caleb on another painting.


An installation of prints.

Three of the paintings. The fourth was pulled . . . 

Saturday, February 21, 2015


This spread is the result of a seventy-five minute conversation with my advanced graphic studio (seniors) class. The content of the drawing has nothing to do with our conversation on 'graphic designer as author' . . . The coolest part of that discussion was that my studio mentor from grad school was quoted in the reading.

Video installation installed

Installation set up and running, just had the chords to arrange after this photo. I will try to get back to get more images, the proportions of the video turned out slightly different than I had expected, but I think the effect is similar to my vision.

Detail . . . 

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Video Installation . . . Memory

Here are the three 1x8 foot panels onto which the video will be projected. The footage is found/appropriated home movies from the 1960s. It has a vertical and horizontal reflection in the vein of Wolfram's crosses. Over that footage there is animated letter forms and glitch graphics . . . I will take some shots of the actual installation after it is up and running.

Friday, February 13, 2015

Pigs ready for the fair

These four will be hanging in the Marxhausen gallery in a week along with some prints and a video installation . . . And other faculty work as well.

These will shortly be installed in the kitchen to hold back the dachshund while we are away. . . Some pine 1x4s, paint and screws. . . 

Another Small Lino

This image got a bit fragmented and lost — the subject matter is Caleb in front of a CAT backhoe. The complexity of the image was hard to represent at this scale, but it'll make for a great large print at some point this spring.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Sketchbook Lino

Small 3.5"x5.5" lino printed in a few of my small sketchbooks. I wanted to start and finish something in a short amount of time tonight, this fit the bill. 

Monday, February 2, 2015


Two color, three screen, print on map. The emulsion blew out a bit over the face, but it ended up creating an interesting, if not somewhat ambiguous image. The clor on this map is pretty dope as well.

Hand painted beer sign

I don't know if I have ever shown you this. My father-in-law gave this to me after having it stored in his basement for years. The other side of the sign is slightly different since each was painted by hand. We researched the company a few years ago and if I remember correctly this was a brewery in Chicago a few decades back. The sign came from a bar in eastern Iowa that burned down . . . The sign is a little over four feet tall.