Tuesday, May 3, 2011

ford sketchbook

 Some more type explorations with fighter imagery.

1 comment:

  1. The fighter imagery is appealing. It feels appropriate that the images you are transferring are of boxers from years past vs. UFC or modern day imagery. I say this because the transfers feel blurred and old themselves and there is a relationship there that seems to be evident. Then with the contrast of more modern phrases such as "sucker punch" there is a certain Boggs wit that appears.

    You've been doing quite a bit with the fighters lately. What are your thoughts on choosing this imagery? Do you feel like this is developing into something that you may work on outside of the context of your book much like you did with the Ruddy Duck?

    Okay, now for some randomness — I was thinking that seeing these transfers executed life size so they confront you the viewer would be an experience. If I am understanding your transfer process correctly you print these out using a toner base printer and then spray transfer them. If you wanted to go big, Kinkos has a black and white toner based printer that prints 38" wide by however long you want. Not too expensive either. i was doing some 38" x 38" matt medium transfers back in 07 using this and I think it was like $7 a print that size. Anyway just a random thought based on looking at your work.


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