Part of the studio time this past weekend was spent rearranging the basement so that I would have more open floor space next to the working area to layout more possible panel configurations.

Further develpment on the portrait using the flow release. Really lost the likeness and the color values muddied up quite a bit with this round. Not sure how much build up I will be able to get out the this new medium, or if I simply need more time with it.
Possible panel combination using four 2x2's. Hard to see as a thumbnail but the top right panel as gray stripes that match up with the light green to it's left and the gray below. That continuation, while quite suble held the compostion together. Not sure if I dig this as a subtle thing or if something on top of it all is needed.
Since I felt as though this one had been lost the day before I excuslivy used release and raw sienna to try and bring it back. I like how the prior "failded" painting shows thorough and adds a real indication of what happened before.
Looking at how the underpainting looks next to something more modeled. Not loving this at the moment, but perhaps that is because the modeled face has a lot of burnt sienna in it so the two elements do not seperate as much if there was additional color in the modeled element. Things to play with. Things to think about. That what it's all about right?
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