Sunday, March 27, 2011

Ruddy Duck

I have spent some time with the ruddy duck and I'm beginning to question the conceptual side of this project a bit. I'm interested in a low-tech solution with interactivity, but I am still not sure what the message should  be. I like the idea of it having been a migratory bird that is no longer moving, but it's like it is moving man (stoner voice). The idea of migration and navigation combining with the presentation of information that leads to inspiration . . . I got lost in the rhyme and was heading . . . somewhere. 

So, I am considering combining this piece with information about the habitat of the Ruddy Duck, migration patterns, life expectancy, etc.  Eventually it will have texture and color and type .  . . but here is the 17 frame animated gif


  1. You might have to click on the image to get it to animate . . . if you want to check out the "mock-up of the site you can check

    The gif's aren't running at the same speed or loading at the same time, but if you scroll over the whole thing at the right speed you can make it line up. The links aren't taking you anywhere yet, so if you click around you'll go no where.

  2. Man, there is a lot to think about here. I'll have to look at this for a day or two before I can give you some good feedback.

    Initial impression is that I greatly enjoyed the animation as is. Trying to get my eye to freeze frame the loop along the way to see each frame for the drawing it was. The numbers in the bottom right are great and add some information to the piece.

    As far as your conceptual challenges, I need to think about that, but will get back to you with more thoughts soon!

    I can't help but think of those old school flip books when I see this.


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