Friday, December 30, 2011

Late December

Above is what the studio looked like this morning. It's been a crazy three days of work. Long story short; a new exhibition possibility popped up this past week and the deadline for consideration is the same as another show's submission deadline. I couldn't pass up the new opportunity and so counter to how I have been thinking I worked toward finishing 5 additional works quickly so that I would have 11 pieces to to split between the two submission packets.

Painting with a deck brush.

Rejected Possibility.

The following four images are what I am considering to be completed along with the image with the orange tulips on it from my last post.  At least they will done for now, I think I will probably work on them after the submission process or any subsequent shows if they are accepted.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Hey man, the work is looking good. I am really enjoying seeing the progression and evolution of your more recent work. This is the most recent animation that I've been working with. I'm thinking less about gender / gender roles and more about programming and messaging.