Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Art In America Sketchbook

A sketchbook created using a single issue of Art In America from 2005. The book contains 8 stitched folios and contains 99% of the original magazine. I enjoy the random pairing of images that occurs from the pagination. 

Sketches, so far all rendered with a Sharpie are either random or play off of imagery already on the page.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Planning and Progress

Progress on the Panel Accordion book. Collage and paint. Goal is to overload the page with images and textures, attempting to back as much relevant imagery into the panels from the past several years as possible. Thinking about the book/object as a time capsule or future archeological site of sorts.

I really want to tackle an interior space painting as part of my semester's painting work. Considering using a tight grid transfer and execution. Not sure if I'll use this image.

The grid being blocked in. 

Some alternate interior space reference images.

Friday, February 14, 2014


Test print from a 12x18 linocut. 
I was hoping to inspire my students, but I think I just made them mad . . .

The edition might end up on a different paper when it is actually printed, but that will likely not happen until spring break. 

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

WIP - Landscapes and Books

work-in-progress, Texas landscape

work-in-progress - panel accordion book