Friday, February 18, 2011

cune office

I switched up the artwork in my office, so I thought I'd take some shots and post them.


  1. Thanks for posting these shots! It's great to see what you turned that office into. Going into that space to talk to Wolfram about something felt as though I was stepping into the holy of holys. Not that it's changed now with you in there; it certainly is nice to see your work on the walls and around the office.

    Is that grid of texture squares cut up old desks?

    Also dig what I think I remember as Ethan and Seth collaborations, that's very cool.

  2. Yeah, I have been wanting to do something with that desk top piece. It is nice to have it hanging, there are still about twenty in the box though . . . I tried to switch the office up a bit. It had been in the arrangement that Wolfram had it up until early last semester, I was tired of students coming to my side of the desk, so I thought this was a less inviting solution, though they still try to come around and look at my screen. Then I have to say, 'yeah, could you move to the public side of my desk please.'

    And yes, those are the father's day collaborations.


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