Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Adding alternate panel formats other than the 2x2 and 2x4 formats has been something I've wanted to work into the mix for awhile now. Rather than building out new panels to meet this goal existing panels are being ran through the saw and then new furring strips are added to to patch the new side.

Here's a jig for cutting a 2x2 diagonally to form 2 triangle panels. I needed some way of holding the square securely in place while it passed through the saw, this is what I came up with. Then square spring clamps are used to secure the panel to the angle guide. The right vertical strip runs against the fence. The cut happens about 2 inches past the edge of jig.

To make minor corrections to angle this bolt can be adjusted.

While it is rare for a Dolak contraption to work, this one did just fine.

There is a lot to explore with this new development, it should really start to add some needed complexity to some of the configurations. Quilting with wood and paint.


  1. Very cool Dolak. I am impressed with the ingenuity that went into your jig. The results of the cut pieces is quite interesting. Are you planning to leave those triangles as a part of the format? Or will you be recombining different triangles to make new square compositions?

  2. Well, not too sure. Yes, initially my plan is to still arrive at right angled rectangle and square configurations. I am hoping that I can highlight portions of the compositions with these triangles, making larger triangles that read as such because of consistent treatment and working that fit into the grid. However, I do like the idea of having some of these shapes pull off, in my opinion it helps the viewer see these more as objects and not as a painting.

    We will see, there are a lot of possibilities to explore.


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