Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Iron Painting

So much of the subject matter in this body of work is figure or portrait based that pushing past that in some instances is a challenge. This piece is the first time where I have incorporated a simple sketch in conjunction with a more rendered panel and the balance was a nice discovery.

Working a pattern on top of it all to establish a sense of order and control, I think that perhaps I will go into the iron painting on the bottom panel and pull some more detail out by painting on top of it again. It had been more fully rendered at one point and then when it was being considered for another panel configuration it was pushed back with the yellow-green paint.


  1. There is a nice juxtaposition of image treatment there. I like the connotation of the re-interpretation of the subject matter. This is the object, but this is also the object, and maybe this is how that object started. It seems to speak to the idea of the passage of time, the build up of material and imagery.

    The texture on the right . . . that is functioning as an arrow. I haven't pulled this out in a while, but it has me digging for a crucial critique term . . . let me see . . . kind of (pause for effect) "cocky"

  2. Haven't heard that one in awhile, thanks. But I can't say that our arrow conversation from the other night did not inform the decison to paint that graphic element there!

    I spent some time this morning adding some detail back to the iron on the bottom right. I'll post pics tomorrow or Monday.


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